PM, Christopher Luxon, protect Hector’s dolphins from the fishing industry!
On 14 September we launched a new campaign calling on the Prime Minister, Christopher Luxon, to protect Hector’s dolphins from the fishing industry.
At least 15 dolphins have been killed by trawl and set nets since Luxon became Prime Minister.
No dolphins should be drowned in fishing nets.
PM Luxon, you must protect Māui and Hector’s throughout their range - out to at least 20 nautical miles and 100 meters depth.
Before it is too late!
Our campaign launch video is here
March for Māui and Hector’s
Hundreds of people marched on the Prime Minister’s office in Kumeu, calling for better protection for Māui and Hector’s at a rally we organised in 2014.
By-catch of the day
This really effective campaign in 2015 highlighted the link between fish and chips, and dolphin by-catch.
Working with surfers who love sharing the ocean with Māui dolphins, we installed a massive billboard on the side of State Highway One on Auckland’s North Shore. It raised awareness of Māui & Hector’s dolphins and the risks of sea bed mining.
We’ve worked with Kiwis Against Seabed Mining (KASM) in opposition to deep sea mineral extraction in West Coast North Island dolphin habitat. That’s involved making and presenting submissions to the Environmental Protection Agency at various times through the years. We’ve supported KASM at events, blockades of the mining industry, peaceful protests and beachside activism.
With the help of Waitakere Ranges Local Board and other funders we facilitated research establishing the proof of concept using thermal imaging to detect Māui and Hector’s Dolphins. That involved heading out onto the North Island’s west coast to look for (and find) Māui dolphins confirming the use of thermal imaging to correctly identify the dolphins.
In 2018 after five dolphins were killed in a short space of time, we held a Tribute for Māui and Hector’s dolphins on a local beach. We carried a life sized dolphin in a coffin down to the beach and Dolphin Defenders and the public laid flowers and honoured those lost to set and trawl nets.
Lyttelton Pile Driving
A new cruise ship terminal was developed in Lyttelton Harbour, Banks Peninsula, in the South Island, an important home for Hector’s dolphins. Our local campaigner on the ground, Genevieve, worked hard to raise awareness and get the dolphins safe.
Voter’s Guide
Before the 2017 election, we commissioned research into different political parties’ policy positions on Māui and Hector’s dolphins. Labour, Greens and New Zealand First, all performed well on their policies, and formed a Coalition Government. But after the election they cancelled the previous Government’s plans to install cameras on fishing vessels.
However, our work did lead to an eventual increase in protection all along the North Island west coast from set nets, and extended set net bans in the South Island too. Cameras were also rolled out onto boats at the end of the Labour Government’s second term.